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If you have been provided with your login details, click HERE to view your progress.

If you have not been provided with us, or you are having problems logging in, we would ask you to contact your Conveyancer so they can provide you with an update on your case personally.

If you have questions about any aspect of your move, you may find the following resources useful:

To contact the team in your local office:

Fareham: 01329 222096
Southampton: 023 8071 7422
Portsmouth:  023 9275 3575
Chandler’s Ford: 023 8071 7467
Waterlooville: 023 9277 6569
Email: conveyancingquote@warnergoodman.co.uk

Agent Login

If you are an agent and would like to generate a quote, please click here.

Update on Land Registry Delays

Please be aware that timescales at H M Land Registry have significantly increased over the last few years. A straightforward change of ownership can take up to five months to be processed. The Land Registry application can take over a year to complete for more complex transactions, like registration of a new lease, registration of a new build purchase, or first registration of a property. Unfortunately, we have no control over these registration times.
H M Land Registry may expedite applications if there is evidence the delays are causing financial or other hardships. (i.e. preventing another transaction proceeding.)

To speak to one of our experts please call us