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External HR Support

Are you looking for support in carrying out meetings with your employees, or creating the right forms and letters in preparation for these discussions?

If you work in an HR role for your business, or it is one of your responsibilities amongst many others, we understand that managing Employee Relations will be time consuming.  You may struggle to find the right people within your business to carry out these processes in a fair way, particularly if you are a smaller employer trying to keep on the right side of Employment Law to minimise the risk of a Tribunal claim. 

That’s where we can help. Cath Dixon, External HR and Training Manager within our Employment Law team, can assist in managing your Employee Relations in the following ways:


Finding the right people for your business is crucial and it is important to get the recruitment process right. Cath can support you from the very start:

  • Identify the vacancy. If you are looking to replace an existing employee, we assist you in identifying whether the same role is needed, or whether there could be scope for a different role.
  • Write the job advertisement, job description and person specification to attract the right candidates and stay within Employment Law to avoid discrimination claims.
  • Carry out competency based interviews with shortlisted candidates and feed back to you as to their suitability.
  • Draft the offer letter for the chosen candidate and assist with collecting references from previous employers.
  • Advise on additional options such as psychometric testing.

Probation and Appraisals

Once you have found the right candidate and they are now employed, their performance must be monitored and any poor performance managed swiftly and correctly. Cath can assist you in the following ways:

  • Discuss with you the various options when it comes to appraisals and agree the right model for you and your business.
  • Draft the required preparation and main appraisal forms for completion by managers and the employees.
  • Provide training for your managers on how to carry out the probation and appraisal process, including the necessary meetings.
  • Conduct the appraisal meetings on your behalf or with a selection of employees and a manager to coach your managers through the process.

Performance Management

Poor performance can be the result of several issues; sickness or poor mental health, lack of managerial support, training and guidance, or they are simply not capable of completing the role satisfactorily. Whatever the reason, the impact can reach further than that one employee. Cath can support and advise in the following ways:

  • Provide training for managers on how to spot signs of declining performance and how to proceed.
  • Carrying out the necessary meetings with the employee to agree a Performance Improvement Plan.
  • Holding subsequent meetings to monitor the employee’s performance and advise you as to the next steps.

Managing Diversity and Inclusion

It has never been more important for employers to ensure you are not discriminating against your employees; something that can be done without you even realising it. That is why being a diverse and inclusive employer is vital. Cath can provide training to your managers or wider employees to enable them to understand issues such as the difference between banter and bullying, exploring respect at work and unconscious bias.

Investigations and disciplinary meetings

Unfortunately, there will be occasions when an employee is not performing or they commit an act of misconduct or gross misconduct. Handling matters of this nature can be daunting and you may feel unsure as to how to act. In this situation, we can assist in the following ways:

  • Carry out the necessary investigation, including preparation of the forms and meeting with the necessary parties involved and the witnesses.
  • Draft the appropriate letters to invite the parties to the meetings and the subsequent decision letters.
  • Conduct the investigation meeting and advise as to whether it should proceed to a disciplinary hearing.
  • Conduct the disciplinary hearing and advise as to how to proceed if you wish to move to dismiss the employee. 
  • Carry out training for your managers on the proper procedure in carrying out disciplinary meetings and the required investigations.


Disputes between colleagues can be distracting for all concerned and must be managed appropriately to reach a swift resolution. Cath can assist by:

  • Advising you on how to act should a grievance be raised.
  • Carrying out grievance investigations
  • Carry out grievance appeal meetings
  • Training your line managers in managing grievances.


Making redundancies are sometimes a necessity in a business, and will be a course of action that both employers and employees will find difficult. We can help you shoulder that burden and will support you by:

  • Meeting with you to discuss the possible alternatives to redundancy.
  • Assisting in the preparations, such as agreeing the selection criteria.
  • Holding the relevant meetings with your employees and advising as to their scores.
  • Managing collective consultation for larger employers.
  • Hold further consultation meetings with the employees to discuss the next steps in the process and see if suitable alternative employment can be found within the business.
  • Advising on redundancy payments due.

Sickness and Absence Procedures

An employee is entitled to sick leave, but it is important that this is managed correctly and the symptoms are identified, which is particularly pertinent when considering mental ill health. Cath can work with you in the following ways:

  • Advise when to engage with Occupational Health and help you draft Occupational Health request letters.
  • Hold return to work meetings with your employees.
  • Discuss the option of making reasonable adjustments to roles.
  • Identify when an employee may be disingenuous with their sickness absence and how you can manage that.
  • Support you and the employee through any mental ill health or long term sickness absence.
  • Provide training for your managers on how to proceed when a member of their team is on sick leave, and how to spot the signs of mental ill health.

Cath has spent over 20 years working in HR and so is well placed to assist you in your HR and Employee Relations matters including, but not limited to those mentioned above. Her services will be tailored to your business and can be as involved as you need. You can contact Cath to find out more about how she assist you by calling 023 8071 7447 or emailing cathdixon@warnergoodman.co.uk.   

For our valued Peace of Mind members, you can discuss with your dedicated advisor as to how this service fits seamlessly with your package.


To speak to one of our experts please call us