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Bespoke employment law training

While attendance at our seminars and masterclasses is a great place to start for your training needs, we appreciate that every business is different, so the real benefit lies in tailored training for your organisation, managers and employees.

We can offer your business workshops for your HR professionals and line management, ensuring you are up to date in the areas which are most crucial to you, particularly in an area such as employment law where legislation and case law changes frequently. 

The first step in planning your training with us is to meet with Cath Dixon who manages our bespoke employment law training programme.  During this meeting, Cath will ascertain your objectives for the training, your business values, who will be attending the training, the ideal location and duration, as well as any specific occurrences that have led to your need for training.  Following this, Cath will produce a detailed proposal with sample case scenarios based on your requirements.  Once this has been agreed, Cath and the team tailor your event based on your business, using your own policies and procedures (if available) to really make the event your own.  There are several pricing structures available to suit your budget, which can all be discussed in the initial meeting.

All of our training events are interactive, using relevant case scenarios, quizzes and Frequently Asked Questions to bring the subject to life, and provide an engaging environment for your employees to learn.  Topics we are able to provide training on include:

Disciplinary and grievance proceedings

The importance of the correct procedures when conducting disciplinary and grievance hearings cannot be under-estimated, meaning this is one of our most popular training topics.  Not only do we highlight to attendees the legal obligations of managers and employers, but we also give practical tips and advice on how to overcome any unexpected challenges.  This session is ideal for HR Managers and line managers, as we help to identify the trigger points for when behaviour warrants additional action in the form of an investigation or disciplinary hearing.

This event covers every aspect:

  • How to conduct the initial investigation, including questioning witnesses
  • Invitation to disciplinary meeting
  • Conducting the disciplinary meeting
  • The appeal process
  • How to have difficult conversations

Your managers will leave the event confident in how they should proceed with an employee in their team, as well as a full understanding of their legal obligations.

How to manage apprenticeships

Apprenticeships have continued to be in the spotlight since the introduction of the Apprenticeships, Skills Children and Learning Act 2009; it has never been a more important time to ensure that your apprenticeship have been issued with the correct documentation so as to reduce the risk of an expensive Employment Tribunal claim.

Unfortunately, the law surrounding this area is somewhat vague and case law has been slow to provide us with any real interpretation of the legislation.  This session has been designed to support HR personnel with the recruitment and ongoing management of apprentices in your business and will cover:

  • The employment status implications that may arise if an apprentice has not been issued with a compliant apprenticeship agreement
  • The rules and procedures to use when dismissing an apprentice
  • Clauses that are required in order for an apprenticeship agreement to be compliant
  • Common issues and myths
  • Recommendations for those that currently have apprentices who have been issued with the wrong documentation.

Managing sickness absence

Absence of any duration can be disruptive to your business for many reasons; productivity, morale, and time and resources spent managing the absent employee.  When the absence is long term, the implications become more serious, plans must be made and more importantly these plans must follow the correct legal procedure.

This training session covers the following aspects:

  • Preventative measures you can put into place
  • Occupational Health reports and obtaining medical evidence
  • Conduct of keeping in touch with the absent employee
  • Examples of reasonable adjustments
  • Options for dismissal or resolution

Knowing how to manage an employee on sick leave is vitally important, particularly as any improper management could give rise to disability discrimination or unfair dismissal claims.  Through our session, your managers will become aware of their legal responsibilities as well as how to correctly manage the employee on leave, when and how to involve Occupational Health and how to support the rest of the team.

Mental health in the workplace

Treatment of employees with poor mental health has never been more in the public eye than it is now, and has become one of our most popular seminars and masterclasses.  One in four people will experience a mental health problem in any given year, so chances are one of your employees is struggling to cope but may be too proud to talk about it.

Our training session will cover topics including:

  • How to spot the signs of poor mental health
  • The processes to manage an employee suffering with poor mental health
  • Involving Occupational Health
  • Potential claims that could arise from incorrect, or unsupportive, management
  • Managing long term sick leave due to poor mental health
  • How to manage potential grievance or disciplinary issues
  • Promoting an environment to encourage conversations about mental health

Mental health issues have a significant impact on our workplaces, including a drop in productivity levels, conflicts with colleagues as well as increased sickness absence.  Spotting the signs in your employees early and having effective policies to support, and not isolate those employees, is crucial and that is where our training session can help.

Social media and online ownership

As we enter a more online world, employers must keep up to ensure they are safeguarded against potential issues amongst employees, and how that reflects on their company brand and reputation.

Social media has opened up a whole new world of questions in Employment law and HR, and our event will help your managers understand:

  • Your employees’ use of social media in the workplace
  • The use of social media during the recruitment process
  • Ownership of accounts such as Linkedin
  • Importance of social media policies
  • Monitoring of employees’ online activity

We are starting to see an increase in litigation cases surrounding social media; particularly unfair dismissal claims from employees who have been dismissed following their conduct online.  It is therefore crucial that managers understand their options and the correct legal procedures they must follow in this online world.

Effective recruitment strategies

Your employees keep your business going, but getting the recruitment process right can be tricky, not only so you find the right employee but also so you are not facing a tribunal claim at the end.

Our training session on this area covers every aspect of recruitment including:

  • The initial advertising process and claims that could arise
  • How to shortlist and the use of social media
  • The interview process
  • Making an offer of employment
  • Reasonable adjustments
  • Right to work documentation
  • The use of restrictive covenants and DBS checks

This session is not only designed for HR Managers, but line managers can also benefit from understanding the role HR play in recruitment, and how they can support each other to gain the best result for your business.

Employment status

The Gig Economy has thrown up new cases recently such as those involving Uber and Deliveroo.  Claims relating to issues such as holiday pay and working time require clarification of employment status, i.e. whether a person is an employee, worker or is self-employed.  There may be subtle differences between the categories, but if there are any errors, it could lead to a hefty tribunal claim.

Our expertise in this area will help you and your HR team understand the following aspects:

  • The definition and differences between worker, employee and self-employed
  • Review of recent case law
  • Importance of the correct documentation required for each classification
  • The process for changing any current incorrect documentation

Retention of employees

Having invested your time and money into recruiting the right employee you will naturally want to retain them.   Many small to medium sized businesses are currently experiencing a high level of staff turnover, meaning that your investment in training and development is reaped by your competitors.  This training session is designed to give you the tools to keep your employees motivated, happy and loyal.  We focus on a number of areas for planning your employment strategy to help you attract and retain your employees, including:

  • Review of the benefits and management of flexible working requests
  • The changes needed to employment contracts as employees move their way through your company
  • Practical tips on how the appraisal system can support your plans
  • Highlight the importance of a retirement policy, not only to avoid age discrimination but also to demonstrate your succession planning goals

Having these conversations with your managers is a key step in their own career, and will leave them feeling confident that your business is keen to invest in the development of your employees.

Hiring and firing senior executives

Most businesses will have different levels of employees, with more senior members of staff having access to more confidential or sensitive business information.  It is important therefore that HR and business owners are aware of the steps that can be used to not only keep those business secrets safe, but also aware that other areas may be impacted, such as PR.

In this training session we will present on:

  • Recruitment of senior executives
  • Key clauses in their employment contract
  • The probationary period for senior executives
  • The use of restrictive covenants, for both an exiting employee and an incoming member of staff who needs to adhere to previous covenants
  • Dismissal of senior members of staff
  • Appropriate use of settlement agreements

Redundancy procedures

Brexit and the fall in the pound are having an impact on our High Street.  Businesses like Toys R Us and Maplins have felt the impact already and have had to consider restructure and administration.  Uncertainty and lack of confidence may mean that others have to do the same or have to look at staff rationalisation programmes, restructure and redundancies.

Carrying out redundancies can be a minefield of procedures and policies; one wrong move and it can be a disaster, for both your business and the employees concerned.

Our training session on this topic will cover the following areas:

  • Advice on how to set out and implement your redundancy plan
  • The redundancy process, including consultation, criteria and appeals
  • Contract changes, for those staff who remain but may be subject to hour, salary or benefit changes
  • How to handle the possible issue of breach of confidentiality

In situations such as these, the legal responsibilities are only half of the story, as actually conducting the consultations and announcements must be done in a sensitive way to minimise any possible negativity and keep morale as high as possible.  We will also advise you on how you and your managers can achieve this.

Bullying and harassment in the workplace

Workplace bullying and harassment are serious accusations, and an area increasingly in the press, particularly regarding sexual harassment.  Employers have certain responsibilities when it comes to claims of bullying and harassment and our training can help explain these responsibilities, as well as give practical steps on how to manage this sensitive issue with your employees.

We will present on:

  • The process of when an employee brings a claim against a colleague
  • How your managers can spot the signs of conflict or bullying before a complaint is raised
  • How to conduct the appropriate investigations and subsequent disciplinary procedures
  • Understanding the importance of a bullying and harassment policy, and what that should contain
  • Explore ways to resolve conflict

Performance management

Poor performance can be the result of several issues; sickness or poor mental health, lack of managerial support, training and guidance, or they are simply not capable of completing the role satisfactorily.  Whatever the reason, the impact can reach further than that one employee, and so managers must be aware of how to spot and address poor performance before it has a long lasting impact on overall team performance or morale.

In this training session, we will present to your managers on:

  • How to assess an employee’s capability to perform the role
  • How the appraisal process can manage poor performance
  • Identifying any reasonable adjustments that can be made
  • When it may be appropriate to dismiss after following the correct procedure

These topics are not all we have to offer…if there is a topic you would like us to cover, just let us know.

For more details on how our bespoke training programme works and the costs involved, you can contact Cath Dixon on 023 8071 7447 or email cathdixon@warnergoodman.co.uk.

All of the attendees really benefited and I received numerous positive comments. It’s also made everyone think about risks and best practice and we are putting plans in place! You’ll be pleased to hear that some of the learnt points were put into effect straight away.  We really enjoyed the do’s and don’ts of everything, it helped me feel more confident in my interviews with how to conduct them.  Both Natalie and Gina were really personable and delivered the training in a way that was easy to understand so many thanks.

It's absolutely met with my intent and I was thoroughly pleased with the content and specifically the delivery. I would also like to provide 'hot' feedback from some of our senior personnel that attended. They described the training as 'excellent', 'superb facilitators' and 'great content'. That's a 'Win-Win' in my view.

We have generally seen a reduction in cases over time (each quarter) as a consequence of the Employment Law Masterclasses we created with WG and thought it was important to raise this to your awareness. We have looked to embed this learning into our culture and systems to improve performance across the board, it’s been the catalyst to carry out ‘deep and deliberate’ practice to ensure our middle-senior personnel are both current and competent. This has also meant we have gained the necessary expertise (and dare I say confidence) to build and deliver our own management masterclasses, but the real impact was made by Emma and Natalie in the first instance.

Just also wanted to say a big ‘Thanks’ to Natalie and Emma for our training last week. The ‘word on the ground’ is that everyone really found it useful.

To speak to one of our experts please call us

The events are informative and relatively light-hearted, always with an element of interaction.