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How Family Mediation works and the costs


While the world of law may seem a daunting place, particularly at a time when you are making life changing decisions, we can help make Family Mediation as straight forward as possible:

Step one - information meeting

We will invite you to attend an initial individual information meeting. At this meeting your Family Mediator will find out what you hope to achieve in Mediation, what the main issues are, and will explain the Mediation process to you in detail.

You can use this meeting to ask any questions you might have about the process. This is your time to really find out if Family Mediation is right for you.

Step two - talk through the issues

Assuming you and your partner wish to continue with Family Mediation we will book you in for a joint session.  Depending on how that goes, further sessions may be required.  Your sessions will be used to help you talk about your issues and develop proposals for the future which you are both comfortable with and happy to take further.

Your Mediator will always remain independent, helping you to remain calm and focused on reaching an outcome which is acceptable to you both.

Step three - memorandum of understanding

Once you have reached decisions on the areas up for discussion, and you are both happy with the outcome, the Family Mediator will draw up a “Memorandum of Understanding” and, if appropriate, any accompanying schedules of financial assets.

You can then take the memorandum along to your solicitor for independent legal advice, and for the proposals to be converted into a legally binding document.

What about the cost?

Not only is Family Mediation designed to simplify the decision making process, but it is also a useful way to avoid costly court cases that would more than likely run into thousands of pounds.  Our hourly rate is £300 + VAT (@20%), which applies to session appointments and preparation time. This preparation time will be agreed with you in advance. 

Every relationship and consequent case is different, but typically Family Mediation would take between three and five sessions which generally last one or two hours each, plus two to three hours to prepare a memorandum and financial summary.  Thirty minutes to an hour will also be required after each session to prepare a follow up summary and action plan letter to help you remember what steps you need to take between sessions in order to get the most out of them.

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme:
You may be eligible for £500 towards mediation costs through the Government's Family Mediation Voucher Scheme, introduced in March 2021, to help families resolve disputes outside of court. Originally set to end in March 2023, the scheme has been extended until March 2026 due to its success.

At your Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM), a qualified mediator will assess whether your case qualifies for the voucher. Eligibility includes disputes or applications concerning a child or family financial matters involving a child-related issue. Please note that not all cases are eligible.

Please visit the GOV UK website for more information on the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme.

How do I make an appointment?

To find out more about our Family Mediation services please call us on 023 8071 7431 or email mediation@warnergoodman.co.uk.


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