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HR Hangout - HR for HR!

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July's Agenda 

  • Welcome, Introductions & Breakfast
  • Introduction to HR Hangouts
  • Guest Speaker - Lucy Buxton, LjB Coach Consultancy 
  • Hive Mind Support 
  • Legal Update and Q&A 

Your network of HR Professionals in Hampshire 

We know you love our engaging and interactive seminars and events, HR Hangouts provide the same vibe but in a smaller, more intimate group of around 12 people.  It's a safe space to share, learn, and grow with like-minded professionals.

  • Share experiences and best practices, discuss challenges, success stories, and lessons learnt.
  • Learn from guest speakers and experts in their field, broadening your understanding of the people profession.
  • Grow your knowledge base. Grow your confidence. Grow your network.

Meet your host!

As a HR Manager of over 20 years, Cath understands the challenges HR Professionals face daily.  Cath was a stand-alone HR Manager for a significant time so she really understands how professionally isolating it can be.  She wishes this group had existed when she needed it.  

Cath is part of the Warner Goodman Employment Law Team, who are renowned for their friendly approach and pragmatic advice, and one of the legal advisors will attend each Hangout so you'll be able to pick their brains too! 

If you aren't able to attend this hangout but would be interested in being involved, connect with Cath Dixon on LinkedIn or join our HR Hangout LinkedIn Group.  

Guest Speaker - July Buxton of LjB Coach Consultancy 

Lucy has worked in social care and the NHS but today she is a trainer of NLP, hypontherapy and a coach.  She supports individuals and teams to let go of the "stuff" that is holding them back and preventing them from getting the results that they want; empowering and enabling them to find their own way forward with clarity so that they can thrive.  

Lucy is joining us to talk about all things people and wellbeing.  Expect to be inspired as Lucy talks passionately about the power of being accountable for our own behaviour and how we as HR professionals can inspire, guide and empower staff to be accountable.