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HR Hangout - May

An exclusive networking club for HR professionals 

Themes That Matter:

Every HR Hangout session revolves around core themes, emphasising:

People First: Putting people at the centre of HR practices for an inclusive and human-centric approach. When we take care of our people, our people take care of our business.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Exploring ways to deliver equity, celebrate diversity and foster inclusion.  Creating places where people want to work.

Leadership and Values-Based Behaviours: Role modelling your company and personal values, aligning our behaviour to those values and being professionally courageous when others don’t.

What to Expect:

Each HR Hangouts session is a power-packed experience featuring:

Thought-Provoking Guest Speakers: Gain insights from industry leaders to inspire and broaden your perspective.

Legislation and Case Law Updates: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest legal developments affecting HR practices.

Hive Mind Support: A collaborative environment where you can address challenges, seek advice, and share your expertise.

… plus breakfast!

Join Cath Dixon: 

As a HR Manager of over 20 years, Cath understands the challenges HR professionals face daily. As a standalone HR Manager for a significant time, Cath understands the isolation that can be experienced and wants other HR professionals to benefit from a networking group that wasn’t available for her.

Sophie Coulthard of AxioGrow

Sophie co-founded AxioGrow, a platform that helps companies identify, nurture and grow human potential throughout the entire career journey. At the heart of the platform is a quick, online assessment based on a value-science called Axiology. Sophie also hosts leadership and wellbeing workshops, and has a particular interest in how wellbeing impacts on work performance.

What aspects of wellbeing impact most heavily at work?

Sophie will be joining us to discuss how personal wellbeing can influence work performance, including decision making, focus, creativity and strategic thinking and how companies can better support employees to thrive in the workplace.