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Robyn Finnegan

Two New Associates!

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Sabrina Skerritt and Robyn Finnegan have both shown talent, commitment and passion towards their careers at Warner Goodman and, as a result, have been promoted to Associates. Sabrina has thrived since joining the Residential Property Team in Portsmouth...

No-fault divorce comes into force today

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The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act (2020), represents the biggest stir in divorce law for more than half a century. It eliminates the need for separating couples to assign blame for their marriage's breakdown, allowing them to concentrate on...

What is an Emergency Protection Order (EPO)?

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Occasionally, a situation may arise in which it is necessary for a child to be urgently removed from their current living situation if they are in imminent risk of harm, be that physical, emotional or psychological harm. In this event, an Emergency...

What is a care order in family law?

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If the local authority has contacted you regarding a care order relating to your children, we understand that you will be feeling anxious and you will have questions about the next steps in maintaining your relationship with your children. Robyn...

The four financial considerations to make when applying for divorce

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There have been so many consequences of Covid-19 on our personal lives, our working lives, our economy and of course our health, with the impact likely to stay with us for many years, especially for those who have also seen their relationship break down...

Urgent care proceedings still going ahead in spite of coronavirus

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For those parents who are facing Court proceedings over their children, the coronavirus pandemic will be bringing additional stresses to an already emotional situation. If you are currently in the midst of proceedings or the Local Authority have...

Co-parenting and maintenance payments during lockdown

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We are all currently adjusting to a new way of life since the coronavirus pandemic led to country wide lockdown, and it is vital that parents are there to support their children through these troubling times. This can be difficult if you are no longer...