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HR Hangouts - Share, Learn & Grow

The exclusive network for HR Professionals in Hampshire

June's Agenda 

Welcome, introduction & Breakfast 

  • Introduction to HR Hangouts 
  • Guest Speaker - Caroline D'ay (Wellbeing Dynamics) 
  • Hive Mind Support 
  • Legal Update and Q&A 

Hosted by Warner Goodman's Cath Dixon 

HR Consultant 
As an HR Manager with over 20 years of experience, Cath understands the daily challenges HR professionals face. Having worked as a standalone HR Manager for a significant time, she knows the feeling of professional isolation. That's why she created a networking group for HR professionals to share, learn and grow.

Guest Speaker Caroline D'ay of Wellbeing Dynamics 

Caroline is a Trauma Informed Therapist and Coach helping people with mental, emotional and physical pain.  From releasing Childhood Trauma to Wellbeing Coaching and a range of Burnout Recovery programs including M.E., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid.  Caroline will be joining us to talk about how past trauma may be impacting people at work in relation to absence and performance.  We'll be exploring what HR and employers can do to recognise, signpost and support their employees.