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What is job-sharing and when may it be beneficial for employers?
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- AuthorEmployment Team
Job-sharing is a flexible work arrangement in which two or more employees share the responsibilities and duties of a single full-time role. This arrangement allows employees to divide the workload and responsibilities, often splitting the work hours and days between them.
Job-sharing can be beneficial for both employees and employers under certain circumstances, although there may also be some drawbacks.
How does job-sharing benefit employers?
Employers may gain several potential benefits from job-sharing.
Job-sharing has been shown to lead to heightened productivity, as employees tend to be more focused during their shorter working hours, potentially resulting in better quality output. Additionally, with multiple employees covering a role, work coverage can be extended, benefiting roles requiring continuous operation or customer service.
Job-sharing may also bring diverse skill sets into play, fostering enhanced problem-solving and creativity.
Moreover, offering job-sharing as an option can attract a wider range of candidates, including those seeking flexible work arrangements. Those that are seeking flexible roles and choose to job-share may be able to manage their work-life balance more effectively, translating to fewer sick days and unplanned absences.
How does job-sharing benefit an employee?
Job-sharing also offers employees flexibility in balancing work with personal commitments.
The reduced workload and shorter work hours may help alleviate stress and prevent burnout, contributing to better mental health. Additionally, employees may be able to use the additional time available for professional development, skill enhancement, education, or pursuing personal interests, promoting overall growth.
Arguably, work-life balance becomes more attainable through job-sharing, which could ultimately lead to increased job satisfaction and improved overall well-being. Moreover, collaborating with a job-sharing partner fosters teamwork and shared accountability, which may enhance job engagement.
Are there any drawbacks of job-sharing for employees or employers?
While job-sharing has its advantages, there may also be challenges for employers to consider.
Effective communication is vital, as poor management of this aspect can lead to miscommunication, delays, and coordination issues. Additionally, the handover of tasks between job-sharing partners may result in a lack of continuity, impacting work quality or the customer experience.
Significantly, differences in work styles or disagreements between partners could lead to conflicts that negatively affect the work environment.
Training and onboarding might require additional resources and time investment when dealing with two employees for a single position. This also applies to supervising and evaluating the performance of job-sharing employees, as this may also demand more effort and coordination.
Additionally, any employees who are considering job-sharing should be aware of certain drawbacks.
Career progression might be limited due to the part-time nature of the arrangement, potentially affecting opportunities for advancement within the organisation in the future.
Another key factor is income, as job-sharing employees often experience a reduction in income compared to traditional full-time roles due to the fewer hours worked. Not only this, but limited work hours may also result in missed opportunities for building strong professional relationships and networking.
Additionally, undefined roles between job-sharing partners could lead to role overlap or confusion about responsibilities. This could mean that coordinating schedules and tasks with a job-sharing partner might prove challenging, especially if conflicting personal commitments arise.
Recommendations for employers
Job-sharing offers significant advantages to both employers and employees, such as increased productivity, better work-life balance, and diverse perspectives. However, challenges like communication issues and limited career progression should not be overlooked. The success of job-sharing hinges on effective communication, through planning, and a commitment to collaboration from both parties involved.
If job-sharing is something that you feel would be beneficial for your organisation and you would like some further information, our Peace of Mind Team can provide specific advice on this. If you have any questions about job-sharing or have any other employment related questions, please contact our employment law team by emailing employment@warnergoodman.co.uk or calling 023 8071 7717.