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WG Academy Success Stories: Catherine Tilling

WG Academy Success Stories: Catherine Tilling

Catherine Tilling
Peace of Mind Administrator

  • Joined Warner Goodman: January 2019
  • Course: CILEX Paralegal Qualification (Foundation) through Brightlink Learning


My Journey so far...

"I joined Warner Goodman as a Department Administrator for the Peace of Mind team in January 2019. Initially, I wasn't seeking a legal career; however, with the support of my team and exposure to the legal field, I quickly developed a passion for it.

I was encouraged by senior staff and my line manager, so I applied for the WG Academy Programme to pursue my career goals. Upon acceptance, my journey to date has been a testament to the collaborative and encouraging environment fostered by Warner Goodman. They inspired me to take proactive steps and provided a clear route for my career development.

My ultimate goal is to become a qualified CILEX lawyer. Currently, in the CPQ foundation stage, I am committed to progressing through the Advanced and Professional stages. The WG Academy programme has played a pivotal role in helping me plan these objectives.

Balancing work, academics, and personal commitments presented its initial challenges, but Warner Goodman and the Academy Programme supported me every step of the way. Through study and exam preparation leave, I have adopted the perfect balance of work and education.

So far, the course has equipped me with valuable skills like legal research and a deeper understanding of the legal system, which are beneficial not just for future qualifications but also applicable to my current role. It's been a journey marked by personal growth, skill development, and successfully balancing academic and personal commitments.

The WG Academy Programme has opened fantastic career opportunities, and I highly recommend this journey to others. In the legal pathways landscape, WG stands out for embracing a progressive approach, valuing diverse experiences rather than rigid tradition. This flexibility creates an inclusive and supportive environment, making the journey into law accessible and rewarding."

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